Monday, January 16, 2012

3quarksdaily: Bacon linked to higher risk of pancreatic cancer

Bacon linked to higher risk of pancreatic cancer

From The Guardian:

Bacon-007Eating two rashers of bacon a day can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 19% and the risk goes up if a person eats more, experts have said. Eating 50g of processed meat every day ? the equivalent to one sausage or two rashers of bacon ? increases the risk by 19%, compared to people who do not eat processed meat at all. For people consuming double this amount of processed meat (100g), the increased risk jumps to 38%, and is 57% for those eating 150g a day. But experts cautioned that the overall risk of pancreatic cancer was relatively low ? in the UK, the lifetime risk of developing the disease is one in 77 for men and one in 79 for women. Nevertheless, the disease is deadly ? it is frequently diagnosed at an advanced stage and kills 80% of people in under a year. Only 5% of patients are still alive five years after diagnosis.

The latest study, published in the British Journal of Cancer, is from researchers at the respected Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. They examined data from 11 studies, including 6,643 cases of pancreatic cancer. They found inconclusive evidence on the risks of eating red meat overall, compared to eating no red meat. They found a 29% increase in pancreatic cancer risk for men eating 120g per day of red meat but no increased risk among women. This may be because men in the study tended to eat more red meat than women.

More here.

Posted by Azra Raza at 05:55 AM | Permalink


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